Manager-Operation in Hero MotoCorp


Company Name

Hero MotoCorp

Type Of Job Full Time
Salary Details  Not disclose
Required Qualification
  • Bachelor’s degree in Any Stream
Job Description
  • Review the demand forecasting of top 350 items with the PD’s and send the projections to supply chain management for procurement actions resulting on time availability of material.
  • Review the demand forecasting of top 350 items with the PD’s and send the projections to supply chain management for procurement actions resulting on time availability of material.
  • Evaluate the market potential available and plan for new network expansion resulting in improvement in market share / touch points and easy access to customers
  • Prepare market feedback on OEM penetration/Pricing and schemes floated by competitors and plan for aggressive branding and marketing strategies by floating various schemes in market , Conduct retailer & technician meets to increase the usage of Genuine Parts
  • Evaluate the Inventory maintained and parts service ratio provided to ANC & AFM for better planning of ordering system resulting in proper inventory management and better service
Industry Manufacturing
Functional Area Operation Management
Experience 1-5 Years
Who Can Apply Experience
Job Role

Operation Manager

Job Location Gurgaon, Haryana
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